
Extremely reliable, a sturdy tamer of fighting carp. Each element has been specifically strengthened for these strong fish. Equipped with the free spool system, a perfectly balanced and fitted internal mechanism, a stainless bail arm that perfectly winds the line, five ball bearings and a single one way clutch, an extremely spacious aluminum spool and a specially designed handle with an ergonomic grip for an easy use.  
Kod Wielkość Łożyska Przełożenie Waga Poj, szpuli
KM-1015560 60 5+1 5,2:1 518g 0,35/200
KM-1015570 70 5+1 4,8:1 606g 0,45/220
Kod Wielkość Łożyska Przełożenie Waga Poj, szpuli
KM-1015560 60 5+1 5,2:1 518g 0,35/200
KM-1015570 70 5+1 4,8:1 606g 0,45/220